Wednesday, March 14, 2012

52 Week Photo Challenge Week 10

Something that the 52 Week Photo Challenge has taught me already is that I do take a lot of pictures!  I have realized that I haven't really struggled to keep up with taking pictures every week.  I have struggled more with which ones to label "52 Week Photo Challenge" here on the blog (as well as how it will be titled later in my scrapbooks).  I have decided to change my focus from just taking pictures every week to trying to take 1 picture every week of a simple memory that I normally would have not noticed/remembered to be important.  I am also going to challenge myself to think outside of just the kiddos.  So many other things make up our days as well as our memories.

I recently discovered Write.Click.Scrapbook and am in love with the way these scrapbookers document so much more than just the big things.   I have always struggled with journaling in my scrapbooks.  I would write the date and maybe where the picture was taken and call that my journaling.  Looking back over years of scrapbooks, I realize that I am missing so much emotion, excitement and storytelling that should have been in that book!  This was one of the primary reasons I decided to start blogging.  I have found it so much easier to journal within a couple of days of the picture being taken rather than 9 months later when I get around to scrapping the picture/event.  Never have I intended for my scrapbooks to be expensive (and time consuming!) photo albums.  I long for them to be storybooks of my childrens childhoods, a love story of their parents, a way to see into who mommy and daddy are aside from being mommy and daddy.  Documenting all the things we all love together and individually.  I intend for them to be an amazing treasure for our grandchildren and great grandchildren to learn about their family.  For this to happen, I need to write more and see the important details that appear insignificant in the moments. 

So that is my revised 52 Week Photo Challenge for myself.   This week (technically lasts weeks) is of Rylee and her BFF Ally.

Rylee begged me to come have lunch with her.  It wasn't really me she wanted- it was the MacDonalds!   And the chance to sit with Ally.  They have recently been assigned lunch seats and she is 2 people away from Ally and this is devasting to Rylee!  My girl has refused to buy her lunch all year, and it is not because she doesn't like school food.  If she has to wait on the lunch line, it takes away from her Ally time (Ally brings her lunch).  It makes my heart happy to see my girl have such a close friend.  As a matter of fact, she has a sleepover planned at Ally's tonight.  No way I could expect her to go the entire spring break without her BFF!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute picture of her and her bff. What great memories!!
