Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Days In Destin, Part 7

No real stories behind these pictures.  Just I love these people.

Water was so clear that it confused Colton into thinking it was a pool.  Kid was swimming in the ocean, with his eyes open, like he was in the bath tub.

New favorite picture of this girl.

Wouldn't be a vacation if we didn't catch Rylee frowning.

Bored yet?  Almost done I promise.  To be continued....


  1. this vacation was the best vacation I EVER HAD. the water was so clear i Jadyn could see fish nibbling at my toes every time i sat down in the water to rest! the first day we were the sand and water was leveled and the next day it mas a slide like thing to get from the sand down to the water and colton actually slid down it to get into the water! Also of corse its wa smade of tides.
    Jadyn Burress,
    the daughter of
    the writer for
    this blog.:)

  2. Those are great pics of the kids. I like the 2012 pics in the sand. Glad y'all got a really good family picture there. It turned out so good. Looks like the kids had a blast.

  3. Jadyn I absolutely love your poses! You young lady are growing up so fast :-) Alicia the pictures are GREAT! I have decided that we are going to Destin for vacation
